Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jayden has arrived

On February 5th 2010, at 8:04pm Jayden James Thomson arrived! His daddy, and his two big sisters, Mickel, and Madison were in the delivery room to welcome him into the family! He weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long!
I got to the hospital at 10 am that morning. Shane arrived at 11. The nurse started me on Pitocin and so the contractions began. By 3, they were starting to get the better of me, so we asked for the Anesthesiologist with the very helpful Epidural!! Dilation was slow going at first. But once I hit a 5, it only took an hour to get to a 10! It took about 20 minutes of pushing and there was Jayden!
We had a few visitors to help welcome him. His Grandpa Dave, his Grandma Karil and Aunt Karen, and Granny and Papa were there too! Aunt Cecilee and Uncle Jason and his cousins Mason and Dashia and Ella came to see him too!
We were in the hospital for two days. We should have gone home after the first! But it was nice to rest a little.
Jayden and I have been having fun just hanging out and getting to know each other. I can't believe how fast two weeks have gone already. It makes me sad to think that in a month I have to go back to work and leave him.
Shane is having fun with his little boy! They sit on the couch and talk to each other when Shane gets home from work. Its cute to watch! Mickel comes over a couple times a week and gets to see him. Maddy will send a text to see how her little brother is doing! They are excited to have him here.
Granny and Papa went to Texas a week ago, so we keep them updated with pictures and text messages. He will be blessed once they get back. They were worried they might miss it! But I told them that Papa would be the one blessing him, so we would wait until they got back! It should be warmer by the time they get back so he will be able to meet more of his family. And we will start having BBQ's so that will be fun!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well, we found out on Shane's birthday that we will be welcoming a boy to our family!! The girls both got to go with us to the ultrasound! There were a lot of people that thought that we were going to have a girl, but I had a feeling that a baby boy was growing instead!!
All the measurements pointed to the 12th of February just like we were told! He measures a day ahead of what the Doc first told us. I hope you enjoy the link to our little boy's film debut!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Where to begin! As many of you know, Shane and I are making an addition to our family! We had to go to the Dr. once we decided to add a new member to the family because we had been trying for over a year.. My blood work came back just fine. Shane was just fine, so what next? My Dr. said that we would need to go to an infertility Dr next to see why we hadn't been able to conceive. Well, before we even discussed when to go in, we found out that the infertility Dr would not be needed!!
We went to our first appointment where we got our first picture of our little one! Our Dr told us that our due date is on February 12th.
At first, I was sick about every other day it seemed like. Sometimes it wouldn't be bad for about 3 days! Poor Shane. He would make yummy dinners, and I couldn't eat them. Garlic burgers were the worst.. We are now in the second trimester. I can eat better now. I don't have to just eat fruit and cereal!
We had our family vacation in California just after that! We took Maddy and Mickel to Six Flags and Universal Studios. And of course the beach. Venice Beach was by far our favorite! We rode "choppers" and walked up and down the beach and saw all the crazy people! We had a great time, and it was so nice to be able to spend time with the girls. Teenagers.... They don't like spending time with their boring parents! But all in all I think they had a good time with us!

We got back from vacation, and I had my second appointment. I got to hear the baby's heart beat! Man, that is so crazy! I wish Shane could have had a chance to hear it! But he made it to the 3rd appointment where he got to hear it! We have our ultra sound on Shane's birthday! I don't know about you, but I think it is cool! Awesome Birthday present!
Last Friday night, Shane and I were watching tv, and I saw the baby moving my belly! That was pretty amazing! I wanted to tell Shane, but at the same time, I was worried if I moved or talked the baby would stop moving. So he missed that one. I'm sure there will be many more chances for him to see it! And I can't wait till the baby starts kicking and moving around more!!
We will be sure to update you all once we know or experience more!! Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I found this video while browsing..... As I watched it, I was reminded how amazing people are and how much one can accomplish when you truly put your mind and soul into something. If you have 5 minutes watch this you tube clip.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009